Anahata Soul: Harnessing the Power of Art for Emotional and Mental Well-Being

Welcome to Anahata Soul—a journey of healing through art and a path with a ♡.

“Something is always born of excess: great art was born of great terrors, great loneliness, great inhibitions, instabilities, and it always balances them.”― Anais Nin

Anahata Soul employs art to support people’s mental and emotional health. People with a wide range of mental health conditions, such as anxiety, depression, PTSD, Complex PTSD, traumatic brain injuries (TBI), relationship issues, ADHD/ADD, memory and focus disorders, addictions, and more might benefit from several art therapy programs and exercises offered by Anahata Soul. Serena King, a trauma survivor, lifelong artist, and art therapy practitioner founded and oversees Anahata Soul. The word, Anahata, originates from the Sanskrit name for the heart chakra and means “unbound”.

When words are inadequate, art allows us to communicate our emotions by letting us say what we cannot. I believe in the power of art as a symbolic language that taps into the unconscious. Through catharsis, or the release of intense or suppressed emotions and insight into one’s psychological and emotional states, I aim to help people live more purposeful and self-aware lives. 

Through artistic expression, art therapy enables us to discover healing. Art therapy facilitates inner serenity by re-establishing a connection with our creative selves. It offers us the chance to rise above our feelings and channel them into something lovely and uplifting.

♡♡♡ Donations help to provide both free and affordable art therapy exercises. ♡♡♡


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